Know Your Rights
Protections for students, employees, and third parties.
- Center For Leadership Development
- Institutional Planning, Effectiveness & Accreditation
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- Assessment of Student Learning
- Institutional Research
- Data Repository
- KPIs
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- Student Success Dashboard
- Strategic Plan
- 50Next
- West Central Ohio Regional Education Partnerships

Know your rights.
Anti-discrimination, Harrassment & Bullying
Edison State Community College will not tolerate harassment or related behavior of any kind. It is the policy of the College to maintain a learning and working environment free from bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. Title IX protects students, employees and third parties with a relationship to the College, whether on or off campus.
Learn more about Title IX.
Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. This includes all of the College's operations, including employment and college-sponsored athletics and activities, both on and off campus.
Title IX protects student, employees and third-parties with a relationship to the College including
- students
- applicants for education or employment
- faculty, staff and student-workers
- high school students participating in College Credit Plus or other post-secondary education programs
- student-athletes
- visitors and guests
- third-party vendors
Title IX prohibits bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence against employees, applicants and students on the basis of age, color, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status and veteran status. This prohibition extends to discrimination or harassment, based on the protected classes, including the creation of an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment. Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking are forms of sexual harassment behaviors prohibited by this policy.
Any person who believes he or she has been a victim of discrimination or harassment is strongly encouraged to pursue relief by reporting the discriminatory or harassing behavior to any of the following
- Title IX Coordinator | Chief Human Resources Officer 937.778.7832
- Campus Security 937.778.7820
- Director of Athletics 937.381.1555
Any college employee
Confidential student and employee consultation is available via the individual listed below.
Jill Bobb
Associate Dean of Nursing & Emergency Medical Services
PHONE 937.381.1527
Room 027E
You can view comprehensive Title IX policy and procedure documentation regarding anti-discrimination, harassment and bullying below.
Ohio Sexual Violence Helpline
The Ohio Sexual Violence Helpline is the first confidential, statewide helpline dedicated to serving all survivors of sexual violence. Staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by trained advocated, the helpline provides
- crisis intervention;
- confidential emotional support;
- information about options and local resources available to survivors and co-survivors or their friends and family.
No matter who you are or where you live in Ohio, the helpline advocates will listen and empower you with information and options throughout the healing process. CALL 1.844.OHIO.HELP (1.844.644.6435).
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
As Ohio's statewide coalition, Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV) advocates for comprehensive responses and rape crisis services for survivors and empowers communities to prevent sexual violence.
National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women
The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) is a comprehensive and easily accessible online collection of full-text, searchable materials and resources on domestic violence, sexual violence and related issues. The goal of VAWnet, The National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women is to use electronic communication technology to enhance efforts to prevent violence against women and intervene more effectively when it occurs.
Violence Awareness and Prevention Guide
The Violence Awareness and Prevention Guide is an expert-driven guidebook published by Learn Psychology. Key elements of the guide include a comprehensive review of the different types of violence and warning signs of abuse; an overview of the 'Cycle of Violence,' and how it has evolved; where to get help: how it relates to stress, common anxiety disorders and tools for anxiety management; and a 'Safety Exit' button feature, which helps users looking for violence support quickly navigate away from the page if necessary.
The following documents represent training that has been provided to Edison State Community College associates.
Higher Education Annual Clery Training and Introduction to Title IX Basics
Higher Education Title IX Level 2 | Title IX Investigator Training
Higher Education Title IX Level 2 | Title IX Coordinator Training
Higher Education Title IX Level 2 | Title IX Informal Resolution Training
Higher Education Title IX Level 2 | Title IX Advisor Training
SOCHE Title IX Decision-Maker Training