Department of Public Safety

Keeping you safe.

It's all about safety.

Edison State Community College prioritizes safe campus environments. To meet the needs of a growing college with multiple locations, the Department of Public Safety or professional police department is in place to provide law enforcement services. All campus community members need to adhere to the law and act responsibly to ensure collective safety.

Reporting an incident.

If you are a victim or witness of a crime, it is important to report the incident immediately. Depending on the situation, please contact an official on one of the phone numbers provided on this page. For detailed procedures during emergencies, please refer to the Emergency Procedures Manual. You can view or download it below. Daily crime logs and incident reports can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety Office in Room 165.

Understanding the Department of Public Safety.

    The Edison State Police Department is staffed by Campus Police Officers, who, along with the Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police, are the sworn law enforcement arm of the College. The officers also provide security and emergency management services as needed. They are armed. At least one sworn officer is on duty whenever classes are in session within the College. Besides sworn law enforcement duties, Campus Police Officers conduct any of the functions described for the other Department of Public Safety (DPS) divisions. The police department was formed in 2020. 


    A Memorandum of Understanding was executed with the City of Piqua, making the Edison State Police Department the primary police response agency for Edison State at Piqua. The Police Jurisdiction is the same as the Clery Geography except for Looney Road and Troy-Sidney Road. The Piqua Police Department responds to assist when needed, as we are both dispatched by the Miami County Communications Center. Calls placed to 911 from campus are dispatched to the Edison State Police Department. 


    We also have a strong working relationship with all other local and state law enforcement agencies. Non-criminal and minor criminal incidents at the Edison State at Greenville are generally handled by the Edison State Police Department and communicated to the Greenville Police Department and/or the Darke County Sheriff’s Office immediately. The Darke County Sheriff’s Office dispatches the Edison State Police Department and is notified anytime a Campus Police Officer is specifically in service at that location.  


    Criminal incidents at Edison State at Troy are referred to the Troy Police Department, except for nonviolent misdemeanors and minor crimes, per an interagency agreement. Both agencies are notified of any crime reports taken by the other within the defined Clergy geography. 


    Criminal incidents at Edison State at Eaton are referred to the Eaton Police Department. Non-criminal threats are communicated to the Eaton Police Department and the Preble County Sheriff’s Office, along with any planned responses by the Edison State Police Department.

    Edison State Campus Security officers are responsible for providing building and premises security to all property within the limits of the Edison State facility and property and protecting the lives and safety of employees, students, and guests on the property. Campus Police and Security Officers have the authority to enforce all Edison State rules and policies established to protect our stakeholders. They have the authority to ask persons for identification to determine whether individuals have lawful business on campus. Campus Security officers do not possess arrest power. Criminal incidents at each campus are referred to the law enforcement division.

    Edison State DPS maintains a highly professional working relationship with all law enforcement, social service, and mental health agencies. All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to immediately report the crime to DPS and/or local law enforcement. Prompt reporting will ensure timely warning notices on campus and accurate disclosure of crime statistics.

    Student workers are involved with DPS as Security Assistants.  They are trained for staffing the “front door” of the department in Room 165.  They answer the security line (extension 7820) and dispatch officers via radio.

    Security is provided in numerous ways, including foot and vehicle patrol, an electronic lock system with a lockdown function, security cameras, and mass communication systems such as Rave Alerts and Rave Guardian.

    Campus Facilities Maintenance is responsible for preventive safety issues such as maintaining well-lighted walkways and parking lots, snow and ice removal, and annual testing and maintenance of emergency alarm systems, fire extinguishers, and sprinkler systems.

    DPS is responsible for the annual maintenance and testing of campus AEDs, Narcan kits, Fentanyl testing kit distribution, and other health programs. Physical and mental health programs are communicated using posters, email, health seminars, public information kiosks, and campus TVs.

    Maintenance of the Emergency Operations Plan, surveillance of hazardous materials, Incident Command System training and management, management of our Operations Center, coordination with local emergency response agencies, and emergency preparedness education are functions of the Emergency Management division of DPS. The Operations Center Manager staffs these functions with the assistance of Campus Police Officers, Campus Security Officers, and Security Assistants (student workers).

    Additional safety resources.

      Edison State Community College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system called Edison Alerts. All current students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the program. Upon enrollment, an email notification will be sent to your Edison State email account, prompting you to complete the registration process to receive Edison Alerts via text, phone, and/or personal email.

      You are strongly encouraged to log in to the Rave Mobile Safety site to add your personal contact information. You will receive Edison Alerts via your Edison State email account ONLY if you do not complete the registration process. Please note that your cell phone provider may charge a per-text message fee for emergency notifications.

      A campus-wide alert will be issued in case of a potential threat on or off campus. Students, faculty, staff, and other registered users will receive the warning through Edison Alerts. Additional notices may be posted on the College website and social media channels.

      If you have questions or encounter issues while setting up your Edison Alerts, please contact the Department of Public Safety for assistance.


      In compliance with the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, Edison State Community College provides campus crime statistics and information for the most recently completed calendar year. A comprehensive annual report of crime-related information is compiled, published, and distributed to all students, employees, and prospective students or employees upon request. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) authorizes and distributes this report for the College.

      Faculty, staff, and students receive the updated Annual Campus Safety Report via email and are notified that it is available in printed copy and online. Printed copies are available at the Edison State Piqua campus in Room 165 and are available upon request to any DPS staff member at any regional campus. The College’s statistics and those submitted by other colleges and universities can be found on the U.S. Department of Education website.

      Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes of classrooms or areas you frequently use.

      Contact security at 937.778.7820 to report anyone who looks suspicious or does not appear to have business on campus.

      Be aware of what is going on around you at all times. Awareness is a proven method for increasing personal safety.

      Avoid walking around campus alone after dark and during regular campus hours. If you must be out after dark:

      • Travel with others whenever possible.
      • Ask a security officer to walk with you.
      • Have your keys in your hand so you don't have to search for them.
      • Don't forget—you have an alarm button on your car key.
      • Be aware of your surroundings. Do not walk and text. Walk confidently and at a steady pace.

      Always let someone know where you will be and when you plan on arriving at or returning to your destination. You can alert campus security by using our Rave Guardian app.

      Practice caution and common sense not only on campus but everywhere.

      All Edison State parking lots are patrolled by security personnel, and violations of inappropriate parking will be issued.

      Student and General Parking

      General parking is any space not designated for faculty/staff, visitors, disabled/handicapped, or childcare drop-off. Anyone may park in general parking. 

      Faculty and Staff Parking 

      Faculty and staff may park in faculty/staff parking spaces. These spaces are limited, so faculty and staff must also use general parking. 

      Adjunct Parking 

      Only adjunct instructors with valid permits may park in designated adjunct parking spaces.

      Childcare Drop-off Parking

      Several parking spaces in Lot 4 are dedicated to dropping off children attending the Edison State Childcare Center. Parking in these spaces is limited to 10 minutes. 

      Disabled/Handicapped Parking

      Parking spaces are set aside to make the campus accessible to people with disabilities. These spaces are marked with a blue disability sign and/or paint. Only those with a disability parking placard or license plate issued by the State of Ohio or another state may use these parking spaces.

      Anyone temporarily disabled (e.g., as a result of an injury or surgery) may obtain a temporary disability parking permit by contacting Accessibility & Disability Services in Room 160.

      Visitor Parking

      Visitor parking spaces have been set aside for the convenience and hospitality of college visitors. No permit is required for visitors to park in visitor parking spaces occasionally. All visitor spaces are monitored daily to make sure that they are only being used by visitors and that faculty, staff, and students are not utilizing them.

      Edison State Community College complies with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA), signed into federal law on March 7, 2014. Please visit the Edison State Title IX page for established policies and procedures. You may also review the Edison State Annual Security Report regarding VAWA-related offense reporting and policy disclosures. To make our campus as safe as possible, please familiarize yourself with our procedures and feel free to ask any Campus Security Officer or other listed campus officials for additional information or to make a report. Reports can be accepted confidentially. You can download documents from our website or pick up forms in the Security Office, Room 161–D.

      Edison State Community College has an Exposure Control Program to minimize the risk of transmission of bloodborne pathogens, provide a safe workplace for the Edison State community, and ensure compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHS) Regulations.