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The 2025–2026 Scholarship Application is available. APPLY NOW
Promoting healthy lifestyle choices.
Physical health is important, and we know that mental health is just as critical. We are expanding our Student Wellness Center to help you navigate obstacles that might cause issues or create anxiety during the school year. We are committed to addressing our students' needs in multiple areas. We have built a network of health professionals to support you and to create an environment open to discussion and nurturing to meet your needs continuously.
In conjunction with various partners, we can provide you with information and education on the following topics.
We can help you make connections with community partners who may be able to assist in the following areas.
Because health is vital to academic and professional success, Edison State encourages participation in wellness activities. Our goal is to assist all individuals on campus in adopting lifestyle behaviors that will allow them to live, work, and learn together in ways that optimize their health and well-being. This includes health education and promotion services related to college health issues, such as alcohol, drugs, sexual health, fitness, nutrition, disease prevention, and stress. A broad range of offerings dealing with health and wellness are available on campus.
Aerobics Classes Aerobics classes are discounted for students, staff, and faculty. Classes are offered throughout the year.
Cancer Information Center Located in the Library, the Cancer Information Center provides information about cancer prevention and resources for patients with cancer and their loved ones.
Duke Foundation Disc Golf Course An 18-hole disc golf course is located at the Piqua campus.
Fitness Center and Weight Room The fitness center and weight room are free to students, staff, and faculty.
HealthWise Outdoor Fitness Center The Outdoor Fitness Center is an excellent alternative during the spring, summer, and fall.
LifeClinic Blood Pressure Kiosk Check your blood pressure anytime. Located in the North Hall Atrium.
Volunteer Opportunities You can help other Edison State students make a difference in the community by participating as a Student Health Advisor or Peer Educator. Students who want to get involved with health education or have a passion or interest in a particular disease or wellness initiative, please contact Velina Bogart. There are many ways to participate, including conducting health surveys, organizing blood drives, developing or distributing health information on campus, assisting in health fairs, and/or presenting programs to peers. Past peer educators have organized suicide awareness events, sexual responsibility and alcohol awareness campaigns, and self-defense classes.
Wellness Education Classes HealthWise Wellness Services can bring various educational programs to any campus venue. Most of the programs can be tailored to the audience's specific needs. Health issues across all academic disciplines. A few of the topics available are sleep disorders, sexual health, personal preparedness, cancer prevention, alcohol awareness, end-of-life issues/living wills, eating disorders, nutrition, and stress management. If other topics are of interest to you, contact Velina Bogart.
Stories of Wellness Going hand-in-hand with Edison State's HealthWise Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management initiative, Stories of Wellness are shared by the students and staff of Edison State Community College and are intended to inspire healthy habits. To share your personal story of wellness, email Velina Bogart, Director of Student Health Services, or call 937.778.7854.
The Fitness Center and Weight Room are free to students, staff, and faculty. Please follow the rules and regulations posted in the Center.
The following resources are provided to you for basic needs, medical needs, and crisis assistance.
DISCLAIMER The following links are provided as reference and are not intended to replace a visit to your health care provider. Edison State Community College is not responsible for information on websites other than our own. Remember that only your healthcare provider is qualified to give you medical advice.
Darke County
Miami County
Shelby County
Quick Information and Resource Guide
Mental Health Services and Crisis Information
Information for Residents of Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties
General Health Links
Edison State Community College provides student health insurance through Transamerica Life Insurance Company, effective August 1 of each year. The insurance agent is E.J. Smith & Associates, and you can access their website at this link. Enroll online and learn more by selecting Health Plans on the website.
The plan offers the following:
Students who have questions regarding the health or dental insurance plan should contact E.J. Smith & Associates at 847.564.3660.
Edison State Community College, as an institution of higher education, is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to learning and to the development of the full potential of both students and employees. As such, it seeks to provide a climate free of the effects associated with the abuse of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs. The college, accordingly, endorses and complies with the U.S. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Appendix C to 45 CFR Part 620, Subpart F-Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace requirements and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).
Edison State will make a good-faith effort to provide a drug-free campus by establishing a drug-free awareness program that:
Distribution of Material
A Biennial Review Committee will conduct, on even years, a biennial review of the Drug-Free Campus and Workplace policy to determine its effectiveness and implement any necessary changes. Committee members consist of: Director of Student Financial Aid, Vice President of Strategic Human Resources and Director of Student Health Services.
Do you need help or do you know someone who does? Click below for information on available assistance.