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Accreditation & Quality

Accreditation & Quality Initiatives

Assessment of accreditation and quality.

Accreditation & quality status.

Edison State Community College is an accredited institution and actively assesses the capacity of the institution and its programs to assure quality and to produce evidence that it does so. The College utilizes the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) approach to organizational performance and improvements.

Review our accreditation.

Accreditation assesses the capacity of an institution and its programs to assure quality and to produce evidence that it does so. As an accredited institution, Edison State Community College is expected to have the standards, processes, and the will for quality assurance in depth and throughout our educational offerings and programs that includes a focus on student learning, education, continuous improvement, evidence-based institutional learning, integrity, ethical behavior, institutional sustainability, mission-centeredness and accreditation through peer review. Holding accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is a privilege that we proudly maintain. 

    Edison State Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The Higher Learning Commission accredits degree-granting, post-secondary educational institutions in the North Central region of the United States. Please see the Accreditation page for detailed Edison State information. 

    As an accredited institution of higher education, Edison State undergoes regular monitoring to maintain accreditation. This monitoring includes compliance with the Criteria for Accreditation.

    Criterion 1   Mission The institution's mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institution's operations.
    Criterion 2   Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible.
    Criterion 3   Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support The institution  provides high quality education, wherever and however its offerings are delivered. 
    Criterion 4   Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning environments and support services; and it evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement.
    Criterion 5   Resources, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness The institution's resources, structures and processes are sufficient to fulfill its mission, improve the quality of its educational offerings and respond to future challenges and opportunities. The institution plans for the future.

    The full version of the Criteria for Accreditation is available via this link.

    Edison State' academic programs that hold accreditation with professional accrediting bodies can be reviewed on the Accreditation page.

    The Higher Learning Commission is required by the U.S. Department of Education to assure that all of its member institutions are complying with the expectations of specific regulations that accreditors must enforce as a part of their federal recognition. In addition, the Commission is required to review the institution's compliance with its Title IV program responsibilities. Compliance with these requirements by both institutions and the Commission is necessary to ensure that institutions accredited by the Commission are eligible for federal financial aid.

    Also see Consumer Information.

    Edison State Community College is currently seeking authorization from other states where instruction is delivered for distance education. Please see the Accreditation page.

    Explore our quality initiatives.

    Edison State Community College adopted the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) approach to organizational performance in 2000. In 2001, the College joined the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) and the Continuous Quality Improvement Network (CQIN). In 2018, Edison State transitioned from AQIP to the Open Pathway for Accreditation, following HLC's decision to phase out AQIP. The College's focus remains on quality assurance, institutional improvement and innovative initiatives.

    The Edison State Open Pathway Map can be viewed via the link provided below.

      Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is at the core of our quality thinking. It means that Edison State will continuously evaluate our operations and processes to make them better, focusing on the process rather than the individual. CQI Process Teams apply the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle of quality improvement and the President's Cabinet monitors the results. Any continuous quality improvement journey is long and arduous—it is continuous. Edison State's process management focus supports our efforts to be a stronger, learner-centered college, to encourage a more positive workplace and to be more supportive of each other in an ever-changing higher education environment.

      CQI Process Teams

      CQI Process Teams are commissioned by the CQI Steering Committee to address college-wide opportunities for improvement. All CQI processes are continually evaluated for cycles of improvement, ownership and subsequent retirement of any process that has been successfully integrated into daily business operations. 

      Edison State Community College utilizes a Baldrige-based Employee Satisfaction Survey to evaluate our leadership's performance in providing an understandable mission, guiding values, positive work environment, information sharing, individual career advancement opportunities, prioritization of initiatives and opportunities.

      The Employee Satisfaction Survey measures the level of which employees are satisfied with the intent of the statement on an 4-point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. It is an annual measurement of employee satisfaction based on the criterion of

      • Mission and Integrity
      • Leadership
      • Quality of Programs and Support Services
      • Evaluation and Improvement
      • Inclusion and Belonging

      The Employee Satisfaction Survey is figured on a 'positive response' rating where the total of the positive indicators are divided by the total of the positive and negative indicators. 'Neither Agree nor Disagree' responses are not factored in the totals. See the results of the recent surveys via the links provided below.

      The following individuals have periodic communication with the President. Unresolved concerns may be shared with your representative group to be discussed with the President.

      2023–2024 Academic Year

      ESEA Representatives—Executive Committee
      President  Dustin Wenrich
      Vice President  TBA
      Secretary  TBA
      Treasurer  Vickie Kirk

      Academic Senate Executive Committee
      Chair  William Loudermilk
      Past Chair  Greg Clem
      Secretary  Vickie Kirk
      Academic Standards—Executive Committee Member  Eileen Thompson
      Assessment—Executive Committee Member  Enrique Rivera-Cerezo
      Curriculum—Executive Committee Member  Susan Barth
      Professional Development—Executive Committee Member  Beka Lindeman
      Non-Faculty—Executive Committee Member  Amber Hare

      Governance Senate Representatives
      2023–2024 Academic Year

      Student Senate—Officers
      Director of Operations  
      Director of Administration 

      Staff Senate—Representatives
      Co-Chair  Rhonda Rich
      Co-Chair  Meghan Cotterman 
      Secretary  Lisa 

      President's Council—Representatives
      Senior Leadership
      Chad Beanblossom
      Dr. Rick Hanes
      Heather Lanham
      James Lehmkuhl
      Kara Myers
      Chris Spradlin, President
      Dr. Melissa A. Wertz

      Gail Ahmed
      Marva Archibald
      Rachael Detraz
      Michael Houser
      Vickie Kirk
      William Loudermilk
      Erin Reese
      Leah Shreves
      Dr. Sara Young

      Stacey Bean
      Amy Bogert
      Todd Brittingham
      Tom Burelison
      Andrea Francis
      Roger Fulk
      Amber Hare
      Lisa Hoops
      Paige Kiley
      Justin McCulla
      Bruce McKenzie
      Christina Raterman
      Joe Ratermann

      Jill Bobb
      Macy Guillozet
      Dr. Paul Heintz
      Harold Hitchcock
      Brandi Olberding
      Dr. Andy Runyan

      President's Cabin
      2023–2024 Academic Year

      Chad Beanblossom
      Dr. Rick Hanes
      Heather Lanham
      James Lehmkuhl
      Bruce McKenzie
      Kara Myers
      Chris Spradling, President
      Dr. Melissa A. Wertz