Service Learning

Helping others.

It's all about service.

Service-learning provides students the opportunity to apply instruction and skills through helping others within the community. If you or your organization has an idea for a service-learning project, we would like to know about it.

Types of service-learning projects.

Examples of direct and indirect service-learning projects include

  • Tutoring other students and adults at all levels
  • Conducting art/music/dance lessons for youth
  • Giving presentations on violence and drug prevention or other topics
  • Helping at a homeless shelter
  • Planning and conducting public forums on topics of interest to the community
  • Restoring historic structures and/or building low-income housing
  • Removing invasive plants and restoring ecosystems in preserved areas for public use
  • Fabricating bicycle racks for downtown business districts
  • Serving on nonprofit boards and other organizations
  • Participating in clean-up projects in the community

Examples of some of the things that Edison State students have done in our community

  • Accounting students offer free tax preparation in conjunction with Partners of Hope
  • Accounting students calculated votes for the Piqua Community Foundation Pitch Piqua event 
  • Nursing students provide COVID/flu vaccine clinics on campus
  • Students participated in Habitat for History at Caesar Creek Pioneer Village to assist in preserving and restoring the historical village for community education
  • Students helped to repurpose newspaper disbursement racks by converting them into “little libraries” for placement in the community

Have an idea or project?  Please email the Office of Work-Based Learning.