Teaching Resources

Assisting you with day-to-day processes.

The day-to-day needs.

The following Teaching Resources is meant to help you navigate day-to-day processes and procedures.

Explore general information.

    Faculty members are encouraged to consult with students who are performing at the D or F level as soon as possible. After
     your contact with the student, if additional intervention is needed, please complete an Academic Alert Form to notify Student Services that the student needs additional assistance in developing success strategies for the class. Please indicate the area(s) of concern and any recommendations that you may have.

    When addressing an academic issue, please keep withdraw deadline dates in mind. The form should be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the deadline or earlier. Faculty may refer a student for personal support services if the student is facing a personal issue that could interfere with his/her success in the classroom.

    Each faculty member is free to present instructional materials which are pertinent to the subject and level being taught, with the provision that all facets of controversial issues will be presented in an unbiased manner. For a full policy, contact the Human Resources department.

    If you need to report an accident or injury, please download the Accident Report Form via the link below.

    You can find detailed information regarding class delivery formats via this link

    Class rosters are located in MyESCC. A login ID and password are required and can be obtained by contacting the IT Help Desk. If there are any questions or discrepancies regarding your roster, please contact the Registration and Records office immediately.

    Classrooms are equipped with a faculty workstation capable of connecting to any external source such as a personal laptop, document scanner, etc. For classroom maintenance, assistance or installation of new software, please email or call the IT Help Desk at 937.778.7957. If additional classroom equipment is needed, please contact the appropriate dean.

    Employees must maintain a clean and professional appearance. Different applications of this policy may be necessary depending upon various work and safety factors. The necessity for workplace attire guidelines include: to ensure safety while working; to present or create a professional or identifiable appearance for students, co-workers, visitors and the public; and to promote a positive work environment and limit distractions caused by provocative or inappropriate attire.

    All field trips should be tentatively scheduled at the beginning of each term. Inform your dean that your class will be off-campus. Safety should be emphasized at all times. Proper instructions and clear directions should be given to the class prior to departure. Students are responsible for their transportation to and from the trip site.

    Final exams will be given during the last scheduled class of the term in which each course section is designated. It is the expectation of the College that exams or end-of-term assignments are given and graded. The College has designated the two work days immediately following each semester as grade days. For the full 16-week semester and any terms within the semester, the College expects that all grades for the term will be submitted no later than 6:00 p.m. on the Tuesday immediately following the last date of the term.

    Direct students to the Student Code of Conduct section of the Student Handbook.

    Students MUST receive frequent feedback on their work in each class. Students should know "how they're doing" throughout the course via feedback from exams and/or papers. Midterm grades also help to inform students of their standing. Give at least four or five exams prior to the final exam or graded assignment. Some or all of these exams may be abbreviated "quizzes". You may also give a more substantial midterm exam. In certain courses—term papers, worksheets, etc., may supplement testing as evaluation devices. Give students as much exam feedback as possible. Review exam(s) with the entire class and go over the correct answers. Use this as a learning tool. Exams also provide valuable feedback to faculty. By analyzing the exam results, you may be able to identify particular subject matter that a significant number of students are having trouble with. You may need to adjust or explore an alternate method of communicating this subject matter to students in the future.

    Basic supplies are located in staff lounges—Rooms 350 and 405 on the Piqua campus. Additional supplies may be requested through the appropriate dean's office.

    Each credit course at Edison State is required to have a complete three-part syllabus in standardized format. Each part follows the guidelines set forth by the Curriculum Committee.

    Part I  The formal record of what is presented in a course and it may not be changed without the approval of the Curriculum Committee. This part of the syllabus is used to determine transfer equivalency and serves to provide the course description, goals and topics covered. The Part I syllabus MUST be given to each student in the class or online. Part I syllabi are located in the College's academic catalog.

    Part II  The outline by which you plan to teach the course and serves as an informal contract between you as the instructor and the student. Using Part 1 and Part III syllabi as a base, develop a detailed plan including specifics of how the students can contact you, weekly topics that will be covered, assignments, due dates and test dates. Course outlines should provide information on how students will be graded and explain circumstances whereby students may lose points (e.g., absences, tardiness, incomplete work, etc.). Be sure to include the standard disability statement. Part II syllabus MUST be given to each student in class or online.

    Part III  Or matrix is meant to be a map of content and resources for teaching a course and mapping the course with the rest of the curricula. It is to be given to each faculty member teaching the course and is to be followed by the faculty member while teaching the course.

    Students may take makeup examinations for current Edison State classes, in the Library's Testing Center. This is a free service provided by the Library. General observation examinations may be taken anytime during normal library hours. Proctored and accommodation examinations are available by appointment only. Students will be required to present a photo ID for all testing services. Testing Services are also available at the Edison State at Greenville location. Call 937.778.7890 to make arrangements. Instructional Faculty and Student Guides for Testing Services procedures can be downloaded via the links below.

    Desk copies of textbooks and other course materials are available from the discipline coordinators prior to the start of classes. Faculty are expected to use the textbook adopted for the course.

    The waitlist is an important enrollment management tool that allows students an equitable opportunity to join a class that is at capacity. In the event that you will be teaching the section of a class that is at capacity, you may be contacted by students requesting you to approve an override of the capacity and allow them into your section. Before approving an override, you must first check to ascertain whether there are any students who have waitlisted for the section. The waitlisted student(s) have first priority when it comes to enrolling in a full section.

    Review important policy information.

      It is the policy of Edison State Community College that students respect ethical standards and exhibit academic honesty in carrying out their academic assignments. Ethics is one of the core educational values at Edison State and is important not only in higher education but throughout one's life, livelihood and community. As professional educators, we will promote ethical behavior by educating students about academic honesty and creating an environment that fosters honesty and other ethical behavior.

      Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If a student exhibits dishonesty, we will respond to it with justice. Justice requires an understanding of the context in which the offense occurred and a consideration of the seriousness of the the offense. Justice also requires considering how academic dishonesty affects the institution as a whole. For policy definitions and report form, download the Academic Dishonesty Policy & Report Form via the link below.

      Faculty must take and record attendance in every class. Federal regulations require the College to maintain accurate attendance records for all students in order to verify students' eligibility for financial aid assistance.

      Reporting of attendance is done via MyESCC. Attendance must be "academic attendance" which means direct participation/interaction between the instructor and student in regards to academic matters. Students who have no academic attendance by the second scheduled class should be reported as a "no-show" in the "Never Attended" column. For online sections, students who have no academic attendance by the second assignment/activity should be reported as a "no-show" in the "Never Attended" column.

      A Last Date of Attendance (LDA) is required when a student drops or withdraws from a class. An LDA is also required for a F, U or IP final grade.

      All classroom and lab entrances are equipped with electronic locks that require the use of a key card. Rooms with electronic locks are programmed to automatically unlock 15 minutes prior to the beginning of class. Faculty and staff key cards will work on most classroom doors and meeting rooms on campus. For security reasons, classroom doors are to be kept closed at all times.

      Edison State has implemented an electronic lockdown-procedure that will remotely lock all closed doors in the event of safety threat. Rooms are locked on the outer side only—you are never locked in a classroom/lab and can exit at any time. For this purpose, please do not prop classroom/lab doors open using any form of doorstop. Late arrivals will need to utilize a key card or knock to enter.

      The following should be adhered to at all times:

      • Changes in room assignments should not be made without prior approval
      • Smoking is prohibited in all College buildings per state law
      • Food and beverages are prohibited in classrooms/labs and the Library 
      • Windows should remain closed for proper heating/cooling functions
      • Lights and classroom/lab equipment should be turned off when classroom is not in use

      Faculty are required to provide course information pertaining to students' attendance and grades to any high school administrator, guidance counselor, athletic director or custodial parent/guardian. Faculty are NOT required to provide information to a custodial parent/guardian via phone or any method by which the individual's identity cannot be verified. In addition, faculty can require that the student be present during any disclosure of information to a custodial parent/guardian.

      An Edison State email account is established for all faculty upon hire. Instructors are expected to check their email on a frequent basis, as it is the primary means of communication between faculty, staff and students.

      For any materials created by faculty members related to classroom or outside activities, please refer to Article XVII "Intellectual Property" found in the Collective Bargaining Agreement stored in SharePoint. Additional information can be found via the link below.

      Instructors are expected to meet with their classes during all assigned hours. For both scheduled and unscheduled absences, it is the faculty's responsibility to post an announcement on Blackboard, email students and notify appropriate academic dean with the course plan, assignments and/or other instructions for the period of absence. Contact is required even if the scheduled absence is on the syllabus.

      Short-notice cancellation/delay of a 7:30 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. weekend class  In addition to emailing students, please email Maintenance Supervisor Harold Hitchcock. Provide room location and class time. Maintenance will notify students who may inadvertently show up. If you are unable to access email, please call Harold Hitchcock at 937.778.7964.

      Short-notice cancellation/delay of a 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. class  In addition to emailing students, please email appropriate academic dean and project specialist. Provide room location and class time. This will facilitate a cancellation/delay notice to be posted outside the classroom for students who may inadvertently show up.

      Short-notice cancellation/delay of a 4:30 p.m. or later class  In addition to emailing students, please call the Information Desk at 937.778.8600 and provide room location and class time. Information will be shared with security personnel who will notify students who may inadvertently show up.

      Cancellation/delay of a class with advance notice  In addition to emailing students, please email appropriate academic dean and project specialist. Provide room location and class time. This will facilitate a cancellation/delay notice to be posted outside the classroom for students who may inadvertently show up.

      The Edison State Community College policy regarding student FERPA rights can be found via the link below.

      Reporting of grades is done via MyESCC. Complete process instructions will be sent via email when each grading period begins or can be obtained by contacting the Registrar's Office. Grades must be submitted in the reporting window and are generally due two working days after the last day of the semester, unless otherwise requested. Failure to meet the requested deadline may result in the loss of subsidy funding from the State. Funding is not granted for classes showing a grade of "Grade Not Submitted" (GNS).

      Midterm grades are a snapshot of a student's grade at the halfway point in classes that last 8-weeks or longer.

      You must report a last date of attendance (LDA) for any student who receives a grade of "F" (or "U" for courses that use this method). If a student has never attended and has never withdrawn and you failed to report them as a "no-show" during the appropriate window at the beginning of the term, you must assign a grade of "F" and report them as "Never Attended" in MyESCC when assigning a grade.

      An Incomplete or "I" grade cannot be given without completing and submitting an Incomplete Grade Request Form. This form must be completed by both you—as the faculty member and by the student. This form clearly articulates what work needs to be completed and in the timeframe in which it must be completed—in order for a grade to be converted from an "I"  to a qualifying grade.

      A student may receive a grade of "W" for any or all courses after the official withdrawal date only if—in the judgement of the appropriate dean, after consultation with the instructor—an emergency or extenuating circumstance(s) exist. The student is responsible for obtaining the necessary approval for a "W" grade.

      An instructor can change a grade after grades are submitted by completing an Instructor Grade Change Request Form.

      No official student dress code exists at this time.

      Smoking and/or the use of alternative nicotine products is prohibited in all Edison State Community College facilities. All instructors are expected to help enforce this policy. External designated smoking areas are located around campus and are clearly marked. You can find additional information in the Smoke-free Workplace Policy.