New Student Orientation

The next step after registration.

Start here.

Welcome to Edison State. Your first step after registering for classes is New Student Orientation—which will set you up for a successful transition to Edison State. As a new student, you will learn about our locations, resources, and your student accounts. New Student Orientation is a resource available to you throughout your time at Edison State.

Whether you’re taking classes online, in-person, or at your high school, it's essential to know how to navigate Edison State's resources and online tools. New Student Orientation is a self-paced experience comprised of two parts—orientation modules and an orientation quiz. This online experience allows you the flexibility to complete orientation from anywhere and at any time that is convenient for you. Once you have completed the orientation modules, you must complete the orientation quiz. You must score an 80% on the quiz; however, you can retake it as many times as you need. The quiz will demonstrate your ability to perform specific tasks and utilize specific tools that will prepare you for success in taking courses at Edison State.

Accessing new student orientation.

    It will take approximately 24–48 hours to generate your username and password after you complete your registration. You will need your Edison State username (user ID) and password to access Blackboard, Email, MyESCC, onsite computers, and more.

    Username (User ID)
    How to find your Edison State username.

    1. Visit
    2. Select Current Students at the top left (desktop) or under the three-line menu (mobile).
    3. Select MyESCC in the dropdown menu. 
    4. Select Forgot your username?
    5. Type in your first name, last name, and the email address that you used on your admissions application.
    6. An email will be sent to the address above. This email will contain your username. (If you do not see an anticipated email, please check your spam/junk folder.)

    Your default password is

    1. The last four digits of your student ID number
      Your student ID number was given to you in the welcome letter you received via email and mail after processing your application.
    2. Followed by the first four letters of your last name (with the first letter capitalized)
      If your last name includes additional normally capitalized letters, they will be capitalized in your default password. If your last name is less than four characters, the capital letter “A” will be added to the end of your name until the four-character requirement is satisfied.

      Student Name:  Thomas Edison
      Student ID Number:  123456
      Username (User ID):  tedison
      Password:  3456Edis

    Your Edison State email account is your You will use this password to access all Edison State platforms, including Blackboard, MyESCC, and onsite computers.

    Follow the directions below to login to New Student Orientation.
    New Student Orientation is a resource that will be available to you throughout your time at Edison State.

    1. Visit and select Current Students.
    2. Select Blackboard in the dropdown menu. 
    3. Sign in with your Edison State email address and password.
    4. Select the Courses option to view available options. 
    5. Select New Student Orientation from the options provided. 

    The IT Help Desk is available 24/7. You can reach the IT Help Desk by clicking here, via email or by calling 937.778.7957.

    Every course is set up differently. If you cannot find something related to your course, reach out to your instructor. If you have specific questions regarding Blackboard, please contact Jessica Edwards, Director of Distance Learning.

    If you have specific questions regarding New Student Orientation, please contact Jordan Keith, Enrollment Manager.