Branding Guidelines

Maintaining a strong College presence.



Bruce McKenzie
Chief Marketing Officer & Director of Communications

Andrea Francis
Assistant Director of Marketing & Communication

Jessica Hill
Coordinator of Marketing & Communications Planner

Christina Hughes
Web Administrator & Media Design Coordinator

A strong & consistent message.

It is the goal of the Edison State Marketing Department to convey a consistent message and visual identity to develop a stronger brand. Members of the campus community can contribute to this effort by consistently following the guidelines provided below. Strengthening the Edison State Community College brand will help contribute to increased awareness, market presence and cost-effective marketing efforts.

Explore branding information.

    The Edison State Community College Marketing Department has approved the following logos for download and use. The logos provided below should not be altered without approval, including recoloring and/or addition of text or design elements. Either logo may be used at the users’ discretion. One-color logo variations are available upon request.

    Right-click on a logo below to download to your computer.

    ESCC Logo Horizontal

    Edison State Community College Logo- Horizontal

    ESCC Logo Vertical

    Edison State Community College Logo- Vertical

    IMPORTANT  Always resize the logo proportionately. Do NOT resize a logo in any manner that will result in a skewed or distorted appearance. These logos are meant to be used at the download size or SMALLER. If you need larger versions, please contact the Marketing Department.

    Edison State Logo Horizontal Wrong Resized

    Edison State Logo Vertical Wrong Resizing

    Parts of the Logo

    The parts of the approved logos should not be separated, rearranged or used as incorporations into other elements without approval from the Marketing Department. The parts of the logo are as follows:  

    Edison State Logo Mark & Wordmark

    Mark: the “E”.  

    Wordmark: the text “Edison State Community College” 

      Print Fonts  




      The Marketing Department purchased the license to use the Avenir and Optima font family for commercial uses, which does not allow the Marketing Department to distribute these fonts to others. If purchasing these fonts is not an option, it is recommended to use the following free alternative fonts: Arial, Nunito 


      NOTE: For readability purposes, serif fonts are not recommended for long text. 


      Web Fonts 

      Edison State’s web font is Open Sans. Open Sans is a free open-source font that is optimized for the web. 

        Edison State’s primary colors are blue, yellow, and green. The following color profiles represent Edison State’s primary colors. 

        Edison State Branding Color Palette

          Edison State Greenville Logo

          Edison State Troy Logo

          Easton State Eaton Logo

          Edison State’s Piqua location is the only location referred to as a “campus”. All other locations are to be referred to be the city name (i.e., Edison State at Greenville) or Edison State Regional Locations. See approved terminology below. 



          • YES: Edison State at Greenville 

          • NO: Darke County Campus 

          • NO: DCC 



          • YES: Edison State at Troy 

          • NO: Troy Campus 



          • YES: Edison State at Eaton 

          • NO: Eaton Campus 

          • NO: Preble County Campus 

            The Marketing Department oversees the purchase of most branded Edison State items. The Edison State Bookstore is also authorized to sell merchandise consistent with the Edison State brand. Please coordinate with the Marketing Department when purchasing branded items not currently available in-house.


            Business Cards

            Business cards may be obtained by completing the Business Card Request form found HERE. The default business card order quantity is 250 cards. Orders are placed twice per year. It is recommended to order multiple boxes if you foresee a need.


            Table Covers

            Table covers are available to check-out in the Edison State Library. Borrowers must adhere to Library check-out and return processes.



            Edison State Community College logo t-shirts are available upon request. Any program– or department–specific apparel being requested must be approved by the Marketing Department. Student club or organization specific apparel must also be approved by the Marketing Department. 


            Email Signature

            The following email signature is recommended for use in official communication conducted by any adjunct, faculty, or staff members via Edison State email. 

            ESCC Logo V

            Insert Name (upper/lowercase) 
            INSERT TITLE (ALL CAPS) 

            1973 Edison Drive 
            Piqua, OH   45356 
            P     937.778.5555 


            CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments may contain confidential information that is legally protected. This information is intended for use only by the intended recipient named. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this electronic transmission by you is strictly prohibited. If you received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and then destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. 

              The National Center on Disability and Access to Education has established a series of “cheat sheets” to help faculty, staff, and other content creators produce more accessible content. These single-page sheets provide quick accessibility tips for content creators who are using Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), Adobe (Acrobat and InDesign), as well as creating Accessible Web Content and YouTube Captioning. These cheat sheets can be found online HERE


              Website Accessibility


              Accessibility Statement 

              Edison State Community College is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards.


              We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Edison State’s website. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Edison State’s website:

              • Phone: 937.778.8600
              • Email
              • Visitor address: 1973 Edison Drive, Piqua, Ohio 45356

                Marketing Request Form

                The Marketing Request Form has been established in an effort to prioritize requests for marketing materials and/or support for Edison State initiatives and events. Use this form to request news releases, web support, print materials, design, social media support, digital signage, photography, or other needs that may arise. Find Marketing Request form HERE



                The Marketing Department may also be reached via email.